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Version: Graph 2.5.0

Deploy Aerospike Graph Service with Docker


This page describes how to run Aerospike Graph Service (AGS) using Docker and connect to an Aerospike database cluster.


  • An Aerospike feature key file which has the graph-service key enabled. Click here to get a free 60 day trial key, or contact your Aerospike account manager.

  • A running Aerospike Database instance, version 6.4 or later. You can either connect to an existing cluster, or start one using Docker. See Install with Docker to set up an Aerospike Database with Docker.

    • Verify the IP address of your Aerospike database. If you are running Aerospike in a Docker container locally, you can get the IP address with the following command:
    docker inspect -f  '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' AEROSPIKE-CONTAINER-ID
  • Replace AEROSPIKE-CONTAINER-ID with the Docker container ID of your Aerospike container.

Aerospike database environment requirementsโ€‹

  • If access control is enabled on the Aerospike database, AGS must have the following privileges as a database user: truncate, sys-admin role, sindex-admin, read-write.

  • The namespace which AGS uses on your Aerospike database server must not have the configuration option default-ttl set to anything but 0. See the instructions for setting this option after the server has started.

Run AGS with Dockerโ€‹


There are two versions of the AGS Docker image available, standard and slim. The standard version includes the Standalone Bulk Loader. The slim version, a lightweight alternative to the standard image, offers a smaller footprint for faster scale-out and enhanced operational efficiency.

  1. Pull the AGS Docker image.

    docker pull aerospike/aerospike-graph-service


    (optional) Pull from the Google Container Registry if running in GCP:

    docker pull
  2. Run the AGS Docker container.

    docker run -p8182:8182 -e [OPTIONS] aerospike/aerospike-graph-service

    The options you pass to your Docker command specify which Aerospike database cluster to connect to, namespace, default indexes to create and much more. For a complete list of available config options, see Configuration Options.

    You can also specify configuration options with a properties file (recommended).

    The following example Docker command starts an AGS instance:

    docker run -d -p8182:8182 -e aerospike.client.namespace="test" \
    -e"<HOSTNAME:PORT>" \

    Replace <HOSTNAME:PORT> with the hostname and port of your Aerospike database server.

Server outputโ€‹

If you start your AGS Docker container with the -d option, the server output does not appear in your terminal window. You can find it with the docker logs command:

docker logs -f [<CONTAINER_NAME>]

After successfully completing the startup procedure, you are ready to start using AGS. See Basic usage to get started on interacting with your graph data.

TTL on the Aerospike namespaceโ€‹

The Aerospike database namespace which AGS uses must not have the configuration option default-ttl set to anything but 0. If you see an AGS startup error referring to the default-ttl configuration option, use the following procedure to set it to 0:

  1. Start the Aerospike Tools Docker image:

    docker run -it aerospike/aerospike-tools asadm -h <HOSTNAME>
  2. Enable dynamic configuration changes with the following command at the Admin> prompt:

  3. Set your namespace's default-ttl option to 0:

    manage config namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> param default-ttl to 0

Configuration optionsโ€‹

This section describes how to specify AGS configuration options at startup using a Docker flag or a properties file.

Specify AGS configurations using environment variablesโ€‹

Use the -e flag, passed with the docker run command, to set an environmental variable in the container. In this example, the flag is used to set aerospike.client.namespace and

docker run -p8182:8182 -e aerospike.client.namespace="test" \

Use a properties fileโ€‹

The following example illustrates a properties file that specifies configuration options and their values.

aerospike.client.namespace: test aerospike-devel-cluster-host1:3000, aerospike-devel-cluster-host2:3000 property1, property2
aerospike.graph.index.vertex.label.enabled: true

To use a properties file when running the AGS Docker image, use the -v flag to create a volume bind. In the following example, the full local path to the properties file is /home/graph-user/graph/conf/ The filepath after the :, /opt/aerospike-graph/, is the corresponding properties file in the AGS Docker container.


The local properties file may be in any location, but the bound volume on the Docker image must be at /opt/aerospike-graph/

docker run -p 8182:8182 \
-v /home/graph-user/graph/conf/ \