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Install on Linux

The following installation steps apply to both the Debian (*.deb) and RHEL (*.rpm) packages. Platform-specific instructions are noted where applicable.

You can install AVS on the following Linux distributions:

  • RHEL / CentOS 7+
  • Ubuntu 18.04+
  • Debian 9+


  • Java 21 or higher
  • A running Aerospike Database 7.x cluster
  • Your feature-key file must be in /etc/aerospike-vector-search/ and must include the vector-service feature for AVS to start.
  • The Aerospike Database must include a namespace for AVS internal system data storage and at least one namespace for vector and AVS index storage. See Configure Aerospike Database for AVS for more information.

You need to provide credentials for your Aerospike Database cluster when configuring AVS in Step 5.

Install AVS on Linux

Use the following steps to download and install the appropriate version of AVS from Aerospike's hosted jFrog instance.

  1. Create or update /etc/yum.repos.d/aerospike.repo with the following content to add Aerospike jFrog to your config manager:

    cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/aerospike.repo
  2. Install with yum or dnf.

    sudo yum install aerospike-vector-search
  1. Edit /etc/systemd/system/aerospike-vector-search.service.d/override.conf so you can change the heap memory allocated to Java.

  2. Uncomment the [Service] and Environment lines under AVS JVM options.

    # Configure AVS JVM options like maximum heap size

    JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx100g" defines by default a heap size of 100 GB.

  3. Change 100g to a value representing 80% of the available RAM on the node, then save your changes.

Configure AVS

AVS uses a single configuration file, aerospike-vector-search.yml, located by default in /etc/aerospike-vector-search/. Specify the AVS configuration options and Aerospike cluster details in this file.

For a complete reference list of configuration options, see Configuring AVS.

Start AVS

The AVS package includes a systemd service definition. The installation procedure creates an aerospike-vector-search service. You can start the service manually or enable the service to start automatically when the system restarts.

Start AVS

sudo systemctl start aerospike-vector-search

Enable AVS on system restart

sudo systemctl enable aerospike-vector-search