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Manage AVS users


We recommend that you manage Aerospike Vector Search (AVS) users with the asvec tool.


This page describes how to create, update, and delete users in AVS. AVS uses a separate authentication system from Aerospike Database, allowing you to create distinct access to AVS.

Configure AVS for authentication

To utilize authentication with AVS, configure settings for the following:

Available roles

There are two roles available in AVS:

  • The admin role can create and configure indexes and users, perform searches, perform upserts, and use all other APIs.
  • The developer role can only perform searches, upserts, and other vector related functions. Developers cannot create users or indexes.

Create a user

To create a user, run the asvec user create command to define a username and password, and to assign the user to a role.

asvec user create \
--name <user-name> \
--roles admin